Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Intermediate II. Money Videos

Below you'll find two videos related to the topic of "money." The first one is short and just contains explanations on the meaning of one vocabulary item. As for the second one, I have included in the comments section some expressions from it that you should look at and try to remember before viewing it. Once you've done that, I would like you to explain in a comment what the man has done to make some extra money and what you think about it. Is his advice useful? Would you consider doing the same as he did?

1 comment:

  1. Going through hard times = pasando por momentos de dificuldade.
    To get pay cuts = ter reduccións salariais.
    Financial help = axuda económica.
    Out of curiosity = por curiosidade
    The vast majority of them = a inmensa maioría deles.
    Scam = engano, fraude.
    Redirect you = levarte.
    The last thing you need = O que menos queres.
    to hand out = entregar, doar.
    Yard sales = feiras, mercados ao aire libre, “rastros.”
    Auctions = subastas
    For pennies on the dollar = barato
    Put ads = poñer anuncios.
    Have items sold = vender cousas.
    Oak = carballo (Madeira de)
    Bucks = xeito coloquial de dicir “dórales”
    Tighten one’s belt = amarrar o cinto.
    Skip meals = Saltarse as comidas.
    A godsend = un regalo do ceo.
    To bid = facer unha oferta (nunha subasta)
    Speakers hooked up to it = altofalantes conectados/enganchados
    Market value = prezo no mercado
    Light at the end of the tunnel = luz ao final do túnel
    Keep your head above water = manterse a flote.
    Go ahead = adiante.
